Bioinformatic Services. Data Analysis – Data Interpretation

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analyses

Beeing part of the team which was first ever to published a human transcriptome analyses based on Next Generation Sequencing in Science 2008 (1) we are still enthusiastic to get the best out of NGS data:
Genomics – Variant and CNV analyses
Transcriptomics – Differential expression, transcript variants, gene fusions, gene regulation
Epigenomics -DNA Methylation, ChIPseq


Have we really overlooked a complete organ for so many years? In the case of the gut microbiome, we definitely have. But now we know thet we have more cells in our gut than in the rest of our body and many more genes and functions. We believ that this is just de beginning of develoment and there is much more to be discovered. We learn on a daily basis. We offer metagenomics analyses to our customers, which we also apply for our own science. Therefore we know, what we are talking about and what is possible.

Food and Feed Metagenomics

The accurate species composition of complex food and feed samples has long been an analytical challenge. Metagenomic sequencing now allows a precice analysis of food and feed composition with respect to species of origin. Furthermore, the methods also enable the detection of potential adulterants. Our NGS data analysis allows a non targeted approach for the detection of nearly all known species is possible in a single Next Generation Sequencing run.

Biomarker Discovery

For all analses strategies we apply multimodal data models. Besides the momics-based data classes we integrate pathway and literature mining as well as clinical relevant Real World Data (RWD). This allows us to offer a complete biomarker discovery strategy.